business mediatorin the Netherlands effective mediation can lead to successful resolutions in business contexts. Here are some notable case studies and examples of successful business mediation in the Netherlands:

1. The Amsterdam Airport Schiphol Case

Background: In this case, there was a dispute between Amsterdam Airport Schiphol and various airlines regarding fees and operational regulations. Airlines were concerned about rising costs and the airport’s plans to expand.

Mediation Process: A neutral mediator was appointed to facilitate discussions between the airport management and airline representatives. The mediator focused on understanding the concerns of both parties, fostering communication, and exploring potential compromises.

Outcome: The mediation led to a new fee structure that satisfied both the airport’s financial needs and the airlines’ concerns. Additionally, an ongoing collaborative committee was established to address future operational issues, ensuring better communication moving forward.

2. The DSM and Employee Union Negotiation

Background: DSM, a global leader in nutrition and materials, faced conflicts with its employee union regarding wage negotiations and working conditions during an economic downturn.

Mediation Process: A professional mediator was brought in to facilitate discussions between DSM management and union representatives. The mediator helped clarify misunderstandings and set a constructive tone for negotiations.

Outcome: The mediation resulted in a fair wage agreement and improved working conditions. Both parties committed to regular follow-up meetings to ensure that grievances were addressed proactively in the future.

3. The Health Sector Dispute

Background: A dispute arose between two hospitals in the Netherlands over shared resources and patient care standards. This rivalry affected service delivery and patient outcomes.

Mediation Process: A mediation expert specialized in healthcare disputes facilitated discussions between the hospital administrations. The focus was on collaborative problem-solving rather than adversarial negotiation.

Outcome: The mediation resulted in a partnership agreement that allowed for shared resources and best practice exchanges. Patient care improved, and both hospitals experienced enhanced reputations in their communities.

4. The Philips and Supplier Negotiation

Background: Philips, a multinational corporation, faced issues with a key supplier over pricing and delivery terms. The conflict escalated, threatening the supply chain.

Mediation Process: Both parties agreed to mediation, with an experienced mediator guiding the discussions. The mediator helped identify underlying interests, moving beyond positions to find common ground.

Outcome: The mediation resulted in a revised contract that included flexible pricing based on market conditions, along with commitments to timely deliveries. This strengthened the supplier relationship and enhanced Philips’ operational stability.

5. The Real Estate Development Dispute

Background: A real estate developer in the Netherlands had a dispute with local residents over zoning issues and environmental concerns related to a new project.

Mediation Process: A mediator was engaged to facilitate dialogue between the developer and the local community. The mediator organized workshops where residents could express their concerns and the developer could provide information.

Outcome: The mediation led to the developer modifying the project to include more green spaces and infrastructure that addressed community concerns. This not only resolved the dispute but also fostered a positive relationship between the developer and the community.

Key Takeaways

  • Neutral Mediators: Engaging neutral mediators is crucial for facilitating constructive dialogue and helping parties move beyond entrenched positions.
  • Collaboration Focus: Successful mediation emphasizes collaboration and finding mutually beneficial solutions rather than adversarial negotiations.
  • Ongoing Relationships: Mediation often leads to ongoing relationships and mechanisms for resolving future disputes, enhancing trust and communication.


The Netherlands has seen successful business mediations across various sectors, showcasing the effectiveness of this approach in resolving disputes. These case studies illustrate the importance of skilled mediation in fostering collaboration and achieving sustainable solutions in the business environment.